Rennard Translation provides translation, localisation and proofreading services to businesses and individual clients worldwide.
We work with all major languages and cover specialisms such as law, engineering, renewable energy, oil & gas, construction, media & entertainment, marketing and academic texts. We partner with both public and private sector clients.
At Rennard Translation we take customer service very seriously – we feel it’s as important as the quality of our translation. We have procedures in place which allow us to offer the highest quality service in terms of both customer relationship as well as language service provision. We have now formalised our practices into a quality management system.
Our aim is to supply exceptional yet modestly priced language services to our business customers and individual clients. The key to our success with this objective is the variety of experience and expertise our staff bring to the company. We are run by an experienced project manager who is also a qualified translator, bringing the organisational, problem solving and communication skills required for effective project management and combining these with the linguistic talent, cultural awareness and specialist field knowledge of a translator.
We commit to compliance and continual improvement of this quality management system – from training our staff to ensure an outstanding service, to monitoring our processes and procedures to ensure consistency.
This policy is communicated and understood throughout the organisation and is reviewed by the Director on a half yearly basis for continual stability.